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- Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
- Phone: (62-21) 566 3232
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- Email: humas@trisakti.ac.id
Problem Based Learning (PBL) Training for New Students of the Excellence Class for the 2023/2024 Academic Year
The FEB Usakti Excellence Class Program has carried out Problem Based Learning (PBL) Training activities for the Odd semester of TA. 2023/2024 on Thursday, 31 August 2023 at Building I Floor 8, the event was attended by Mrs. Dra. RR. Dyah Astarini, MBA, CMA as Chair of the Featured Class Program, Mrs. Ovy Noviati Nuraini Magetsari, SE, MSM, CPSCM as Secretary of the Excellence Class Program, Mrs. Dr. Wahyuningsih, M.E., M.Phil., CRP., CPSCM as PBL Supervisor, Mrs. Dr. Ayu Ekasari, MM, CMA, CPM as the PBL supervisor and the new students of the Excellence Class Program, the event ran smoothly. This event aims to introduce and provide an understanding of the PBL learning method and provide training and implementation in the classroom.