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Guest Lecture on Financial Management II, Excellent Class Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti
For the umpteenth time, the FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program held a Guest Lecture on Financial Management II. The theme raised at the event was “The Role of Investment Management in Ensuring Corporate Financial Sustainability”. This event was held on Friday, June 21 2024, the speaker in the Guest Lecture was Mr Drs Yose Rizal Denis MM MHum, he is the main commissioner of PT Bhakti Medika Sejahtera and was also attended by Mrs Dra RR Dyah Astarini MBA CMA Chair of the FEB Excellent Class Program Usakti, Mrs. Reniati Karnasi SE MM CIFM Secretary of the FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program and the students of the FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program for the 2022 Bachelor of Accounting and 2022 Bachelor of Management Study Programs, the event ran smoothly and many students were enthusiastic about taking part. The aim of this Guess Lecture is to provide in-depth insight and knowledge to students, especially regarding Investment Management.