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Friday, 19 July 2024

FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program Open House in 2024


The FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program for the umpteenth time has carried out an Open House activity on July 13 2024 via zoom meeting media. This activity is aimed at Regular Undergraduate Program students in the Management and Accounting Study Program, Class of 2023/2024. This Open House was attended by Mrs. Prof. Dr. Yolanda Masnita Siagian MM CIRR CMA CPM Dean of FEB Usakti, Mr. Abubakar Arif SE MM Deputy Dean III FEB Usakti, Mr. Dr Murtanto SE Ak MSi CA CPIA Head of Bachelor of Accounting Study Program FEB Usakti, Mrs. Dra RR Dyah Astarini MBA CMA Chair of the FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program, Mrs. Reniati Karnasi MM CIFM Secretary of the FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program along with the Committee from the Excellent Class Program, Undergraduate Accounting Students and S1 Management Class of 2023 and Parents, Guardians of Students as participants.

As usual, the speakers presented the alumni of the 2019 Class of Excellent, namely Denny Styvan’s Dion S M and Muhamad Fajrurrahman Firdausi S Ak, the event went smoothly.

This Open House aims to attract students from the Class of 2023/2024 who are interested and motivated to enter the 2024 FEB Usakti Excellent Class Program or Batch XXII, introduce the Excellent Class Program to prospective new students and parents regarding the activities in the Excellent  Class Program, get to know more Excellent  Class Program from seniors / graduates from Excellent Classes who are already working, Sharing from Active Excellent  Class Students while studying in the Excellent  Class Program.

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