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Monday, 30 December 2024

Campus Social Responsibility (CSR) Division, Excellent Class Committee and Excellent Class Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti Holds Sembako KU Sharing Activities

The Sembako KU Sharing activity was held on Friday, December 6 2024 at Campus A, Building I, 9th Floor and at the Sentul Campus, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas  Trisakti, which was attended by the entire CSR division committee, several from other divisions of the Excellent Class who helped and the gentlemen and Mrs. janitor, Security Officer of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti as recipient of Sembako KU.

The activity began with the opening of the event, remarks by the chairman and members of the CSR division, followed by the distribution of basic necessities.

The aim of the Sembako KU activity is to increase the sense of empathy and concern of students in the Excellent Class of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Trisakti towards the Cleaning Service and security guards at Campus A and Sentul, Trisakti University.

Providing practical support that benefits the welfare of Cleaning Service and security guards. By providing basic necessities in the form of basic necessities, students hope to help meet their needs, as well as lighten the burden in this aspect.

Strengthen positive relationships and involvement between students and the campus community. By interacting directly and providing assistance to janitors and security officers, students try to build more harmonious relationships and strengthen a sense of togetherness within the Universitas Trisakti environment.

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